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Mr. Darcy’s undeniable, irresistible love towards Elizabeth was so soothing to the soul at the same time it makes my heart pound…
Although I am not a big fan of love stories but some are meant to be captured by our mind which remains on loop…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @diyadia04
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @diyadia04

DS @diyadia04

Dude,I have been the biggest fan of Jane Austin’s work since I was a child. With this ofc comes the unending love for Pride and Prejudice. Never thought I would like any love story but this book is something else. It’s everything g you could ask for in a romantic novel. It’d real,it’s raw,it’s love.
I have be enamored by this book since the day I read it and I have reread it more times than I care to remember. It’s pure. Pure love.


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