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3am ThoughtsThought


moving abroad for studies in a few days, everything has been really tiring and messy due to the short time remaining to leave. I’m exhausted. I feel like I’m sick, overthinking, and so much to do … a lot In my mind, packing, leaving family, everything. I can’t fall asleep, but I’m super tired, feeling feverish from exhaustion. What do I do? Im getting irritated from parents especially, they keep telling me to do stuff and comment on everything. I feel suffocated. I lost my best friend as well last week, we fought cause he was jealous of me, i out all the efforts in our friendship to communicate, he gave up on us as soon as he knew I’m leaving. I’m just … it’s too much. I’m feeling sick, like literally.

fought l,

a week ago

4 replies
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Thank you :)

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Yes actually, been super stressed about it tho


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