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Movie suggestions??? Do suggest
😅See i m kinda person who love watching movies when it’s story is unique, relatable or real life based i mean am specific 🥺type of a person

2 replies

Lately I have become an ardent fan of English movies
I have watched n absolutely loved the following movies
These are available on youtube
1)For the love of jessee.
2)Elizabeth’s gift
3)Baby boothcamp
4)Three weeks,Three kids…
5)Christmas Oranges.
6)Touched by grace(This one is based on the friendship’s today)

In Hindi,
1)Gully boy
3)Ek Villian(My alltime fav)

There are many but these are some spontaneous ones
That came to mind
Reading ur post…

But my choice is lil unique
Pls read synopsis before watching the movies…
To be on safer side

Anyways Good luck
Take care…
Stay safe


Thanks alott :-)❤️❤️


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