Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @rashael

Rashael @rashael

Mood swings…
Sudden burst of emotions…
Hell of anxiety…
Or mayb just blank…
Can’t feel a thing…
Is it…
No idea…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @n0_user
6 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @n0_user

nobody @n0_user

So sad

Profile picture for Now&Me member @n0_user

nobody @n0_user

Wht happened


Why do you keep asking everyone what happened, like we know sometimes people don’t know.


There might be some reason behind every feeling.
How others know about it until n unless they tell us
And if they open up even they feel a bit light


Sending positive vibes your way.


This is part and parcel of life. Try to do something productive. Eat good food. Try to help the poor in whatever possible way you can. Go to the park. Excercise. All this will help you alot.


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