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met a girl on the net. talked to her for a few days or weeks maybe. i don’t know her really well, i mean i do know a few important things about her. i started falling for her. she liked me too, but she was still freaked out because of her past. we kinda parted our ways. but i feel a very deep emotional connect with her. i kinda feel that she’s the one i want. but we’re not talking to each other. she keeps posting stories on social media, and they kinda hint about us sometimes. i know i can’t reach her even if i want to. coz i feel she needs that time. i really really hope that she comes back one day. she likes me too, we shared moments. i didn’t really disclose my personal biodata even after talking for so many days coz i have trust issues too. if she comes back this time, i want to tell everything about myself. i already expressed that i love her, but she was not really ready. she felt that something was missing. we parted ways saying that we learnt things from each other and were kinda fine. but i miss her. i really hope she texts me back. i totally feel that she’s my soulmate. guys what do i do? i heard manifestation is a real thing, what’s it? how do i try it? help me out. it’s breaking me

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you dont have to hurt yourself like this, take some time to process your feelings and give her time too, past hurts really forces you to keep your guard up… but it’s okay… if its meant to be, it will be… manifestation is something you right or wish for or believe would happen and are patient with it… but you should know this process can be overwhelming if you don’t see the changes or stuff you wanted, so its better that you don’t end up hurting yourself because of this… put yourself first… and if its meant to be, it’ll come around, just be patient and faith in your higher power… and if she doesn’t come back… maybe there’s some other girl, waiting to be yours, who would make you the happiest you have ever been :)


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