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Me and my Girlfriend are currently having a “break”, its been going on for a week, we text each once a day and sometimes twice but thats about it and the convos are like 2 texts each. we just had our two year anniversary and the day afterwards we had a dumb fight and i really let out all my emotions and everything ive been feeling from insecurities to jealousy and everything. i really love her and want to be her but i dont know if she wants to be with me. i do nothing all day and i miss her so much and i would really appreciate if someone could provide me with some help or advice

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Thank you so much brother, I already feel like it might turn into a break and I tried talking it through and saying we don’t need a break but she’s saying she personally needs a break to work on herself, but idk I feel like it’s just an excuse to slowly break up with me

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It’s easy to lose sight of the fact that the goal of dating is to see if we can build a happy and prosperous life with the person we’re interested in. However, more often than we’d like, they turn out to be the wrong match for us. That’s OK, though, because it frees us up to find the one who is.


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