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Giovanna @leafy_amethyst

Me and my ex have a LONg and complicated history. I recently left him because it felt like we just weren’t living on any similar kind of wavelength and our core values have changed too much. Even still, I can’t seem to accept it’s over. I used to vent to the people around me about all of the issues our relationship had and even about him (guaranteed some of it is deserved). We were together almost three years. I spent three birthdays with him. He helped shape me into who I am now. He saw me overcome addiction and fight for a better version of myself. It’s so sad that in the end we just weren’t vibing like that anymore. He still had interest in engaging in my problem behaviours and that HURT to watch. I look back on things now and I realise I wasn’t the most loving person and outright cruel at times, and he must’ve loved me so much for him to let that slide. I hope one day he realises the same for me.
Now almost three months after the breakup I can’t get rid of his hoodies nor can I stop stalking his social media and getting hurt seeing him move on. I’m angry, I’m sad, I’m happy. It’s all such a mixed bag of things and I just hate going through this.
I don’t exactly have very many people in my life at this very moment that I feel like I can entrust all of this to. My housemates are basically strangers, and although my parents care they still have some emotional tie to the situation so the words they offer aren’t always comforting.
I’m taking myself back to therapy since there’s a massive array of other things cropping up too. I wish I could take a time out to catch up with myself and my emotions.
The worst part about everything is I’m hardly a crier, even though I feel like I NEED to. My body just out right refuses. I’m tired of it. I want to shed the stupid necessity to seem strong. Maybe I am in some ways, but I feel so god damn tired of keeping a straight face. I saw a picture of myself from not even a few weeks ago and I can just see all of the sadness that’s behind my eyes but I just can’t seem to find the courage to let it out

Profile picture for Now&Me member @jazzjj
Profile picture for Now&Me member @dropoftherain
Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @jazzjj

Jay.J @jazzjj

The point is tht you left him.
So why thinking so much?
Just move on and try something new
Meet some1. Talk to your loved once and be happy.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @dropoftherain

Z @dropoftherain

I’m going through something similar. But hey, you got it, you will figure it out, you will get through it. It just takes time.
Try to relax and grant yourself with peace and don’t try to completely push your feelings. They should be felt and slowly accepted … it will get better 🙏🏼
Btw find something new to “live for”, be it hobby or friends or sth else

Profile picture for Now&Me member @nowandme

Now&Me @nowandme

hey fren 🤍we are sorry u were going through this. think talking to an expert might help you. we have an expert feature here on now&me where u can speak to an expert and gain new perspective as well as effective solutions to ur situation. do give it a try. we think u will like it 🧡😊


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