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Me and my boyfriend were in a relationship for 3 years, we broke up last year in December 2020. We still use to talk because we weren’t able to move on. And then we completely stopped talking. We broke up because our parents were against our marriage. We loved each other. Now since 2 months he has started liking someone else and he told me he wants to move on because he tried but my parents won’t allow me to marry him and so he told me he like this girl and will date her soon. But I have not loved on. He is my life and I can’t stay without him. My heart tells me he still loves me and he will come back after some months, but I am confused because when I told him come back to me , he said no he has moved on now and he told me not to wait for him because he really likes someone else. My heart is shattered. I don’t know what to do. Please help me someone. Please guide me here.

9 replies

Dartmouth @mortalzar

Listen love…a truth…hard one…

Things not always ho according to what you think will be…
Hamesha chije apne iccha nusar nhi hoti…

If that was rhe case…this world would be beautiful place…

All I can say is…you need to wake up…

See it’s futile to put in efforts in such things over which u don’t have control… because that thing will control ya …
In ur case…your bf(ex bf…accept it) moved on…you seriously don’t need to wait for someone…

Once u let one beautiful thing go(like I said…things do always happens as we wanted them)
Then only you will create the vaccum… vaccum for new things…new relationships…new experiences…

Don’t beat yourself so much…I understood this in hard way…take a page from my book…
Life’s to short to learn from your own mistakes… learn from others to…

It’s just you are fixated at one thing…

And yes…a practical solution would be…keep a distance from your ex…you will suffer for bit…but this will help u heal…
You keep on talking to him…is like ripping of the band aid of the wound…let the wound heal mate…let it heal…



Yes this is the truth, it breaks my heart. Sab kuch humaare nusar nahi hota, kuch chizey nahi hoti humaare kismat mei, I feel shattered


Why were your parents against the marriage?


They don’t want me to do love marriage that’s why


Is the guy not good enough? Like working etc?


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