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Natasha @tina_123

Me and my boyfriend had a big fight day before yesterday. He said something irrelevant and disrespectful to me. Not just that, he also said it was my mistake that I took it wrong way. He does this every time but this time it was on my Respect. I can’t talk to him but I miss him. He’s so loving and caring and supportive. He also understands me. But what should I do I can’t go back and be like “sorry, it was my fault” because it wasn’t. Please suggest something

Profile picture for Now&Me member @virgo029
1 reply
Profile picture for Now&Me member @virgo029

Honestly, all relationships have ups and downs.
Cannot know the level of disrespect without knowing the exact word.
But would like to tell that self respect is above everything, we don’t take sh*t from people and stay with them.
But the whole point of a relationship, LOVE, if that’s there, sometimes disrespect can be handled unless it’s on a very bad level, I understand that fights happen.
But blaming YOU, making you feel bad when you are not, is manipulating you, been there, done that, did not workout, felt my relationship was toxic, got out of it, became my own master, feel better.
Every relation has good and bad parts, weigh them, if bad part outweighs good parts, that’s your red flag , honey, LEAVE.
Hope it helps:)


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