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Me and my best friend we were very comfortable with each other and also we enjoy each other’s company but yesterday she asked me to get some choclates but I wasn’t having money so I told her about that and later she started acting very rude with me she has done this before as well whenever I wasn’t able to give or spend money for her. I think she’s with me because of money. I just don’t know what to do since yesterday we haven’t talked to each other.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @agoodlistener
Profile picture for Now&Me member @rishi123
7 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @agoodlistener

I think whenever money comes in anyones reletionship and it is the only thing which help to bind that reletionship…you should turn back and run for your life from that reletionship…it will get worse…its my personal opinion


To be very honest, she might be one of those girls who is with you because you spend money on her and if your gut feeling says that it’s better that you do not talk to her because when time comes she won’t be there for you,also there are chances that you are thinking too much but any which way if she is just being rude to for silly reasons, she a potential toxic person for you.
Either discuss it point blank with her or let her go.
I wish you best of luck with life ahead

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rishi123

She never was with you or for you.
She was there so that she could maintain her lifestyle.


Just one think you have to be clear in your life is that " No one is permanent in this world"… Enjoy your own company… No relationship is real nowadays… Try to enjoy yourself… Send her a normal text like good mrng n good evening like that… If she don’t reply just leave it… Keep sending good mrng n good night texts for 3 consecutive days… If she don’t respond… Forget her n do your work. If she texts you or calls you just respond n keep talking… Say a big no for spending. Though you have money to spend, stop spendjng… Do this for few days, if you notice that she talks normally as usual, then continue your relationship or else please maintain distance


Trust your instincts and answer why do you think wen you say she’s with you for money. Since u guys are friends, remember the scenarios where money matters came up and how did the other person react to that time. If you guys are really close, sit and talk about it for few mins, explain them, if she understands, it’s good or otherwise you will get your answer for it


Go away from her. She’s not worth it. :)


It’s weird, it is understandable of you don’t have the money, she can’t force you or get mad at you. This is weird, talk to her and tell her about how u feel. And act according to her response


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