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3am ThoughtsThought


Me and bf are getting along really really great. We shared everything wt each other. But there was something he hide from me which he was about to say whenever the time comes. But unfortunately i got to know it yesterday and i kinda acted cool about he making out wt someone else. I shouldn’t bother me as it was his past. But that girl is my classmate and i kinda didn’t like her ever. I was always suspicious about that. I am not feeling good about this and it’s really sucking inside. What are your thoughts on it? How do i stop myself from being affected by this?

7 replies

Girl, let him know if he wants you in his life he has to share things with you, this is completely wrong if he’s still hiding things from you and it shouldn’t be justified tell him you are not gonna stay if he keeps doing this, relationship requires honesty


It’s not gonna work if it’s making you uncomfortable


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