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Profile picture for Now&Me member @excited_snooze

Euphoria @excited_snooze

Maybe one of the hardest thing in life is how we try to heal from our past. So I talked to my friend about how I saw you again yesterday after I didn’t know for how long. You were so lovely, I could sense that maybe after all this time you learn how to find joy, and I was so happy to see you again. I saw you cut your hair short now, it suits you just fine. Even if this moment was five years ago, maybe I would tell you just the same. Then, you looked at me, you smiled, and from afar I said, “Hello”. You don’t know how much wanted to run, but I didn’t. I had this thought, that maybe we have encountered our seasons in life that built such a new home in our hearts. Maybe life is kind to both of us, maybe it is all okay to meet again.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @excited_snooze
2 replies

Kiara @divine_room_3

You wrote it soo beautifully ♥️🫂


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