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Maybe i killed a beautiful relationship with my insecurities and doubts. I understand it now but there is no going back. I cant make things right now. I dont know if I’ll ever get a chance to sort things out. Whole ending of relationship wasnt just because of me only, we both were responsible for it to end. But understanding my part of mistake is making me feel guilty af. What should i do now? How do i make peace with it? These thoughts are making me uneasy and restless.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh
Profile picture for Now&Me member @kumkum
Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495
13 replies
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @sdfgh

I can understand you totally…but it’s okay what happened happened… apologize to her for your mistake and most importantly forgive yourself and her too and let that anguish go ik it’s tough but thats the only way…and I’m assuming u must be in your early 20s and we all loose relationships in this phase cz we didn’t know any better and it’s okay, now u know better so do better learn from ur mistakes make sure u don’t loose another human cz of the same mistake. Take care

Profile picture for Now&Me member @kumkum

Puh.tato @kumkum

If you’re feeling guilty or anything, just tell that person. It will help you move on. And we all make mistakes after all we’re humans only. The good thing is you realised it. Forgive yourself. Apologize for your fault and move on.


I cant tell that person. Its too late

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

Ah late that word is ended plenty of hopes and relationships so forget and do it and that will gives you peace


There is no way to contact now

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

There is always a way to reach them but if not then ready for it maybe some day you get your chance


It’s never too late to apologise. It will put you and her at peace. You can’t just make people feel good and abandon them. It will make them feel as if they did something wrong. Communicate. Both of ya’ll deserve a closure. End it on a good note.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @crazyguy3495

Pankaj Kumar @crazyguy3495

Yeah there is way to reach but dont do it for a closure just do it for your peace and apologized for those things and ask those forgiveness and move on i believe closure is myth you did those things for a reason maybe to your own happiness so just end it on a good note


heyy, how r u. I have been through a smilier situation and I understand how insecurities can just invade ur entire brain. But I also know that u can defeat them. So how abt you think of being a little selfish and think abt yourself first and then the relationship. because once we start loving ourself, will be when we will be able to make a more relationship with your partner. so pls stop feeling guilty, because once you figure out how to understand yourself, u will automatically make peace with the breakup. Try doing a skincare routine, sleep more, each films that make you happy, talk to someone who will understand just don’t pity yourself, it will make it worse. Hope this helped.

Sanket @sanket

You can improvise and then you can recreate the bond


I’m blocked from everywhere and i dont think it is going to happen now

Sanket @sanket

Sad, but you still need to improvise, be ready from your side. Who knows , you can encounter another chance maybe.


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