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Anger IssuesThought


Maybe children of highly dysfunctional parents can relate

Maybe some can understand
. I just entered my parents’ home and there is a bad bad disgusting feeling at parents’ n dad’s sight, sound. Hating them. The family
. The parents who are someone’ safe space… The meaning of family…For me it so opp.

My brother is being super dysfunctional… My mom is making faces at. My dad and dadi are being so hypocritical …he didn’t have someone’s no. Saved but called him and told his no. Was saved…i feel so so alienated and disgusting…being so different.

Me feeling triggered but mom instead of showing emotional maturity n awareness is making faces… Am I being weak? Thin skinned? NO!It is reminding me of how dysfunctional my parents, dadi n brother are. I want to just go away from them… Forever. Hating it. They are just dysfunctional hypocrite s… My dadi
Mom. Dad. Brother. So different from my cousins and friends. And normal people

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You can? Really…? I just came inside the roo.m… Cringing so hard. Like really… And just holding myself I’ll be out of it. Soon hopefully.

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