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naintara @nain1111

M tired… literally tired…of trying…of running away from reality…from fact.tht i have everything and its still pathetic… directionless lonely…and tht m degrading day by day…m … losing myself…m scared and…tht i lost myself…my hardworking ambitious and sorted self …long back ago…i m afraid…i will just vanish someday…i ll regret all of this…idk…wht to do…or i may be know…and i just don’t want to try…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @happy_soul88
Profile picture for Now&Me member @arsen
Profile picture for Now&Me member @11_organic
35 replies
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naintara @nain1111

Well…m too scared to laugh…

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naintara @nain1111

How am I supposed to…i don’t know…m loosing myself…n this present me…this person is not gonna survive…it’s just bad…like helpless and alone …alone with a big crowd around

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naintara @nain1111

It’s been long…i cnt…now

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naintara @nain1111

Is it tht simple…idk…my present self sucks

Profile picture for Now&Me member @happy_soul88

lucky kushwaha @happy_soul...

Your all prblms have only one solution

naintara @nain1111

N whts tht

Profile picture for Now&Me member @happy_soul88

lucky kushwaha @happy_soul...

This is finding your self…
It seems tha you are unaware about who you really are.

And what is your capabilities

naintara @nain1111

Idk…but …do u really think …it’s something practical

Profile picture for Now&Me member @happy_soul88

lucky kushwaha @happy_soul...

Yas because you seems so disturb once you find peace and focus… Everything will be easy…

Seeding some good vibes 🌈🙌
Best wishes 😍

naintara @nain1111

U know… honestly…i have been trying

Profile picture for Now&Me member @arsen

Anupam @arsen

Can understand been there done that but got through

naintara @nain1111


Profile picture for Now&Me member @arsen

Anupam @arsen

Self realisation and started doing little things, the day I realised I’m the only who can build this up and I’m the only who can fuck it up and regret my whole life

U hold power for yourself tho so use it

naintara @nain1111

Is it tht simple

Profile picture for Now&Me member @11_organic

Sagar @11_organic

You don’t always have to fight the odds…
Sometimes staying still and just watching over can make a way out of situations which seems impossible to conquer

I think you take a break and re-evaluate yourself, you might also take some kinda professional counseling.
Because we often judge our life and situation only by our own perspective, so it’s better to have a different opinion.
Things always work out at the end. Just try to have a optimistic approach towards life.
And give your mental peace priority over everything.

naintara @nain1111

Tbh…m losing hopes…idk…i mean…i feel m no longer capable of changing my situation…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @11_organic

Sagar @11_organic

At this time you might feel like that you aren’t gonna make it…
But believe me you are capable of doing so much better than this.
You just need some time and proper guidance.

naintara @nain1111

Pr…tb tk ka kya
…main to …i feel like giving up

Profile picture for Now&Me member @11_organic

Sagar @11_organic

First of all try to get rid of that toll out of your head
It seems like you are thinking a lot.
I just asking you to wait until you get a right direction.

naintara @nain1111

But as i wait… everyone will keep going…this world won’t stop…and till thn how m i gonna manage my work…my life…if i wait…i ll b left behind…m just…u know… stagnant…and losing it all

Profile picture for Now&Me member @11_organic

Sagar @11_organic

Well, yeah you are right everyone will make a way ahead if u wait, but…
Just think about it…
How will you catch everyone when you’re directionless, when you don’t know where to go.
When you aren’t happy, who will you run without a motivation.
And remember it, at every point of time there will be people who stay ahead of you and SO many will be behind you.
So don’t try to run with others
Try to walk with yourself.

naintara @nain1111

I don’t want to ruin my life…I’m afraid tht…i ll b d last…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @11_organic

Sagar @11_organic

Life is not a race where you have to be ahead of everyone or have to get a certain position.
Life is a journey where everyone starts at the point when they are born and eventually it ends when we die.
So there is no position where you have to be to enjoy life.

You know what I’ve been there exactly in your position and believe me there’s no point of running or getting ahead if u’re not enjoying it.
You’ll feel empty inside.

So i. Would like to redirect your attention,
YOU’RE not in RACE with others BUT…
ON A journey with yourself.
And now it’s your choice how you’re goona spend that journey, it’s your responsibility to make it PEACEFUL AND HAPPY.

And remember it lagging behind in life according to society standards does not mean that you are a failure.
It’ll be a failure if you won’t
enjoy it. And keep dragging yourself ina rat race.

naintara @nain1111

Yes u are right…or May b u r experienced and elder thn me
…but for me…if i don’t get ahead…if i fail exams …if i fail to assure pg seat…if i fail to gain knowledge…thn i will b an educated illiterate
…and thn whts d use…i will have tags…but nothing else…ppl will respect only till thy… know me from a distance…and i don’t want to be tht…i don’t know…wht i want
…i only know tht i don’t want this…

Sagar ch @sagarch


naintara @nain1111


Profile picture for Now&Me member @11_organic

Sagar @11_organic

I. Don’t know whether I’m elder or not but definitely experienced to tell that you’re having a pessimistic attitude towards life…
I want you to read your previous post again and see yourself, all the ‘’ IFs ‘’ you put before every statement abt your future you wrote there.
!! Go and read it!!

See! Even you’re not sure about what’s gonna happen.
So could you say that you gonna be a failure or something…
It’s just coming from your mind…

All i wanna say is just don’t let your emotions take over your rational thinking.

At least give yourself a chance and try not to be too harsh on yourself.

naintara @nain1111

Yeahhh …m feeling better today…i know m quite not tht optimistic…but…whn u r sad. U r just extremely sad n thn on those days…u r not Brave enough to fight with urself…it’s more difficult…whn it bcms an everyday thing

Profile picture for Now&Me member @11_organic

Sagar @11_organic

It’s great to know that you’re feeling quite good now.
I can totally understand that, when you’re sad everything appears in dark around us.

And you know! There’s very famous saying in sports about
How a successful journey should look Like…
The duration of your journey must be divided in 3 crucial scenarios
Where in 1/3of time you will feel like giving up that’s mean you’re really testing out your potential.
While in other 1/3 you will fell normal, you’ll get used to it.

And in rest of 1/3 you’ll fell it damn esay that’s mean your hard work is paying off.

All you need is just perseverance.
At last all i wanna say is keep going and never let the situations down your morale.

Have a great life…

naintara @nain1111

May b my life feels d same…thnxxx for being thr…u too …have a great life…


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