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3am ThoughtsThought


Lost in some shock, without blinking an eye, I suffer till late night in the hope of sleep. I wallow in negative feelings without facing problems. If there is no sleep, the desire to eat sleeping pills is strong. Now I don’t even look for anyone. I have understood that there is no one here except me.!! I am a self-deceiving person. All I care about is not to hurt anyone… I am sure that someone will betray me. Because it doesn’t matter at this point in life that who is coming and who is going.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @glitch57
12 replies

Just don’t think about the people more and don’t keep high expectations from the people and coz oof people don’t harm your yourself or your body by taking pills


Yes yes I’m trying but don’t know what’s going on inside me, I can’t understand my circumstances. Don’t feel like doing anything these days. The mind remains irritable all the time. Neither meeting anyone nor talking to anyone has become a habit. Seeing my condition, the world has started abusing me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @glitch57

Wallflower @glitch57

Do you wanna talk ?


Well you are just overthinking and creating fake scenario that’s why


i don’t know it’s overthinking or it’s become a reality.


It’s overthinking and when things happens like that then you start to think that it is reality


I don’t know really…

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Then let’s connect if you don’t mind


hey sorry for the late reply. I switched off the phone.


It’s fine no issue so we can connect if you wanna too.

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