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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Looking for stories from people who have found the one.
I have been single for the last 2 years. Yes the past relationships have been toxic. I have kind of shut myself off from relationships. I don’t feel attracted to people romantically. (I’m a woman and I low-key even questioned my sexuality and it turns out I’m into men.) I look at other couples and think I’d like to be in a relationship someday. Last few years COVID has killed every opportunity to meet with someone and fall in love organically. In my desparation, I tried to talk to people on dating apps. They are good and I still don’t feel attracted to them. It seems like I have to put a lot of effort to talk and keep the conversation going. I have to fake and it’s exhausting. It shouldn’t be like that if it’s meant to be right? I didn’t find anyone I could see myself with. I’m starting to think it will probably never happen to me. All my friends are married and settled. I’m nowhere close.
Like Chandler said, I’m going to die alone.
Tell me about your stories. I’d like to get some hope that yes it’s still possible to be in a fulfilling relationship. Man I do not want to settle for an average relationship where we are just room mates. I look upto Ryan Reynolds and Blake Lively.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @__varun
9 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @__varun

Varun Kumar @__varun

I feel you, The best part is relationship is not like something you can’t live without, if you have any passion, you should follow it, dream it and live it. Don’t be so desperate about relationships. If you could achieve your goals, there’s maybe someone who will get connected to you organically
But for this you dream and goals should be number one priority


Thank you for your response. I believe that everything boils down to the connections that you have in life. And I have mastered the career aspect of my life. I’m ready to settle down so yes relationship is a priority to me. I’d like to share my ups and downs with someone.
Appreciate your thoughts.


Never was in a relationship ever. Plus I don’t think I’ll ever be able to.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @__varun

Varun Kumar @__varun

Don’t be so rigid with your thoughts, be flexible with conditions

Profile picture for Now&Me member @__varun

Varun Kumar @__varun

Because life never gonna act exactly like you wanted.


Yeah True!

Anonymous @corporaloland

I’m sorry to hear about your endeavours so far. I hope you find the love of your life soon. ☺️
I can share my story if you’re interested to hear it.


Totally. I’m asking for it. Please share. 😊


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