Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @being_rebel

Vishal Reddy @being_rebel


Sometimes I feel like screaming out all my pain ,
Standing at the beach so that the waves come to me to hug me by my feet ;
But when I know even they leave me like people did without reasons,
I realise it’s just loneliness at the top.

Sometimes I feel like cringing myself in the darkest room ,
Shouting out my loneliness so that a ray of hope comes to ask me my stories ;
But when I know even the day must turn to night ,
I realise it’s just loneliness at the top.

Sometimes I feel like sitting at the top of hill ,
With ears beside me to hear my heart out ;
But when I know that not every ear can hear ,
I realise it’s just loneliness at the top.

Sometimes I feel like laying on my bed hugging my pillow tightly ,
To reduce the load of tears from the sorrow of sea ;
But when I know it was the endless sea meeting the sky ,
I realise it’s just loneliness at the top.

Sometimes I feel atleast my shadow backs me up ,
But when I turn around it’s just the darkness that surrounds ,
So I tune out all these feelings consoling my heart it’s one man path ;
Maybe the waves wipe out all my footprints throughout the walk ,
Because it’s just loneliness at the top.

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