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lol monday.
I hate men istg.
all they do if be rude and tease u and play with your emotions.for example,there’s this one guy in a few of my classes and i’m rlly nice to him,i say hello to him every day and try to be my nicest person to him bc i want him to like me.i want to be his friend.but the issue is he’s the biggest ass to me and is just so rude and keeps making fun of me.a few ppl have said he likes me but time of the month is coming up so when he made fun of me today and was teasing me i got rlly mad for no reason and just yelled at him to stfu and to just go khs.i didn’t mean it entirely but it just happened.

another thing that happened today: my friend who i will call “A” got a bf a few weeks ago.she’s bi and i’ve had this “crush” on her for awhile but it went away and now i just flirt with her.i flirt with almost all my friends.(in a playful way ofc)
since she’s bi and gives all her friends hugs her bf said that since he doesn’t hug his friends she can’t hug hers and that’s how it’s been for awhile.but today i was playfully flirting with her and when i left and got home she texted me asking if we could talk and started saying how i need to stop flirting bc her bf gets rlly mad.apparently he almost broke up with her abt i said ok fine i will and stuff but like it made me super mad cause i shouldn’t have to bend to her bfs will yk.

lol and ofc we have the parents fighting. why wouldn’t we.they fought for a little cause i brought up sum and my dad backed me up and they started fighting.then my mom goes”thanks a lot you and your big ass mouth made us have a fifight” so ofc that made me feel guilty.

so here we are writing this to post for random staffers who have better things to do to read.

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