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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.
Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark

Karthik Kumar @karthikkuma...

Living with fear, depression, and anxiety is like sailing on a sinking boat in the middle of the ocean. There’s nothing to hope for and I don’t believe I’ll live. I know the boat will go under one day and I’ll die.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark
10 replies

U can always use a SOS :)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark

Karthik Kumar @karthikkuma...

You know, the ones who suffer the most in this world are the ones who don’t have the courage to end their lives. I don’t have that courage, that’s why I’m struggling. and When life causes you pain, you don’t think about any motivation to live. To be honest part of me wants to get better and another part of heart want me to accept my fate.


That must be really hard to deal with. I’m truly sorry to hear that.


Just become better. Fate will change. Don’t give up


It’s too late for that, not many opportunities out there.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark

Karthik Kumar @karthikkuma...

I did, Unfortunately they couldn’t help me.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @karthikkumark

Karthik Kumar @karthikkuma...

It’s tough to build courage and have any motivation in life when you don’t see any hope in sight.


As someone who had the same thoughts, same fear, same anxiety and stuff and who used to think about ending her life, I can say just hang in there. You will overcome this. It’s fine of you think your life is meaningless and there is no hope, trust me there is. Just a lil more patience, you will overcome this. Ending life is not a solution, face every problem head on. You are strong and sending you lots and lots of strength. You don’t need anyone, plzz love yourself and love your life


Thanks for your kind words, but am probably end phase of my life. I can’t get out of this.


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