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ā€ŗComing Outā€ŗThought


living as a closeted gay person sucks so much, i want to talk to my mom about crushes and exā€™s i have had like my sister does to her but, she is homophobic and i dont want to get kicked out haha . it feels so lonely knowing my family could easily drop me for being who i am.šŸ˜‹

Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha08
2 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @sneha08

Sneha Anand @sneha08


I really canā€™t imagine how it feels to pretend someone you are not.

I wish people become free, literally! šŸŒˆ


You can find an online LGBT Support Group. You can get into a good college to go to a hostel if you want to and get freedom from your family. I hope you have been able to accept yourself as that really helps in dealing with rejection from others. I know your parents may not understand what you are going through. You need to start building your own support system so that even if they reject you, you have someone to go to.


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