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literally just downloaded this app to talk about this particular situation in my life right now.
2 years ago this guy from my class reached out to me and we started talking. we became really good friends. even rn i can tell im the only person he talks to about everything in his life and same with me. we started hanging out often. and somehow one thing led to another and we hooked up. we didn’t wanna lose each other so we stayed fwbs for a few months even tho i already had a tiny crush on him. he got hints of it and decided to bring up the topic. and i explained that i did have feelings for him. he said since i wanted he also wanted to try dating. we broke up a few days after tho because things were getting too intense for casual dating. a few days apart from eo we talked out about our situation and he decided to tell me that he loved me. we’ve been in a relationship for about 4 months now but ive always known it is going to end. we have a year of college left and i know things will change for us. even tho we’ve been in a relationship we’ve always talked about how it’ll end one day and that makes me sad because i really do love him and he says he loves me. but why’d you put an expiration date to something that you’re happy in or someone you love. i just don’t know what to do anymore

4 replies

I really loved my college gf and she because of her family knew the relationship wouldn’t last long. And she told me about it too. That made me very fearful of losing her and turned me into someone I was not, and I ultimately soured our relationship from that insecurity. I regret it so much now! So pls don’t repeat my mistake, enjoy your time rn and what the future holds leave it for your future self.


Listen to me sweetie, you started from fwbs and then went on to casual dating right? You guys took that step because you both knew there was something special and you didn’t wanted to waste that. You guys might be putting an expiration date in advance because of your fears ( which could be anything ). I just wanna tell you that do not worry about the things you guys talk about because eventually the feelings are going to decide what is going to happen or what should happen like it always did. So stay in present and stay happy honey:)


Enjoy whatever you have with him and let your thoughts guide you later, dont decide whats in for the future from now. You love each other, so you should enjoy it


I read somewhere that once we accept the fact that every single relationship and connection comes with an expiration date, we start to cherish what we have even more. To collect as much as we can in the numbered days.


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