Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @nick4568

Nick Hughes @nick4568

Listen, everyone
The time will come when all of us say goodbye
Feel that aching in your heart
Leaving you broken inside
But we’re never really gone
As long as there’s a memory in your mind

So now go do the best things in life
Take a bite of this world while you can
Make the most of the rest of your life
Make a ride of this world while you can

Take the ones you love
And hold them close because there is little time
And don’t let it break your heart
I know it feels hopeless sometimes
But they’re never really gone
As long as there’s a memory in your mind

1 reply

Aashi Nema @aashin


So beautiful πŸ˜ŠπŸ€—


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