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β€ΊSuicidal Ideationβ€ΊThought

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Life seems hard. Funny how I want to put an end to it. After all the struggles and fights I have been through and fought alone, I thought I was brave enough to always keep fighting but why do I have no energy or will anymore? My own father doesn’t trust me. He never has. He has never treated me like a daughter. Never loved me. Always fights and arguments. I hated him and I hate him but he said he hates me too. And it was loud and clear. My mom, always throws away her burdens at me when I already have enough of mine. Life is already difficult and tough, but yk having parents who hate and disgust you and making you feel like a burden it sucks! I don’t want to accept I have toxic parents. I am scared and ashamed for some reason to even share this. But I can’t deal with all these anymore. I am broke. Heart broke? Maybe? I just want to stop. Life is already complicated. It always has been. Since childhood. Getting bullied, teachers making fun of me, being told I am ugly, worthless, dumb, idiot, can’t do anything in life, fake friends, idk a lot.I wanted to fall in love, I fell also but later got found it was a prank/scam/just playing with me. I am only 18. And all these things, it is too much for me to handle. I am lonely. Scared. And I feel like I just want to die.

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First of all Thank you for reading it, and thank you.
I really mean it🀍


I am sorry in advance I will not reply back in case anyone replies to this because I am exhausted and don’t have any energy to reply but i will really appreciate all the help. Thank you.


you are not lonely …i can completely understand your situation but plz remember that bad times do come to an end plz dont end your life in a rage of anxiety or anger …, sending you lots of love


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