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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum

junk DNA @tum

life lessons #2: The Devil called competition (section-I There is a problem CH-6 "Alone in the crowd by samir parikh and kamna chhiber)

“There’s competition at every phase of your life. The day we start thinking about it, you lose your peace of mind. I don’t compete with anyone.”

Human being constantly measure themselves against their peers. you compare yourself with other.and probably realize that competition is fun as you find success,lack of win and there is increase in stree,feeling dissatisfied,unhappy,you begin to judage yourself ,self-esteem,self-worth, …this all because you keep shifting locus of control outside you. and you may find yourself vying to live better than friends,siblings them you once shared closest bond.but This do not allow free exchange ideas thougths&feelings so crucial for strong bonds .
you dreamed of achiveing success but when you finally reached there you may figure out people wont be genuinely envy or care for your suceess when you lack applause your ears pick this meantime you have isolated yourself even further,you restrict how much and what you share.To avoid being in bottom of barrel you keep doing it without questioning even as you feel that stress rising

feeling burning out
feeling disconnected
big pressure bubble about to explode
questioning your capabilities

Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @tum

junk DNA @tum

How to avoid this and Remind You That Life is Not a Competition -

not becoming sole driver factor
finding more meaningful method
shifting locus of control
stop looking external validation
take responsibilty of your actions

“Personality begins where comparison leaves off. Be unique. Be memorable. Be confident. Be proud.” – Shannon L. Alder
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