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LIFE LESSION’S according to me :

People say & i have seen people falling in love with the same quality persons. Like both are same when its about liking disliking, habits etc. But idk why but i feel like we should date people different from us. Like totally oposite. This way we can learn different things from each other. We can spend more time to understand each other. Cuz somehow i feel when the same type of people are dating its just noring cuz they are same and they don’t find much interesting things around them & in them.

Idk if i am thinking properly or i am thinking too much

4 replies

This 'opposites should date ’ thing sounds good but then compatibility also matters. Too different from each other means less things in common, a healthy relationship isn’t build on that one. We need some strong common ground for that one. As long as you have that it doesn’t matter what type you date



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