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Life just stucked on one girl… She broke up with me 6 months ago nd maybe cheated me too… But i still can’t move on… I still want her in my life
. what should i do?

11 replies

talk to her


I tried many times… Approch her many times again… Even asked for second chance but she denied


as a girl, i would suggest to respect her decision and leave her alone. The more you insist the more she’ll ignore you

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You can’t force someone to stay or love you…it’s completely alright to feel what you feel but try directing all the energy towards yourself and love yourself instead


Thats is what happened to me, we broke 5 months ago and maybe she cheated on me, im not sure nd i didnt even try to know the truth, bcoz that truth is irrelevant since the reason of our breakup was that her love was gone…i realized that I and everyone else deserve to be with someone who is equally excited and happy to be with you…settle for no less


How you moved on bro … Can you tell me plzz?


Accept the fact that your personal boundaries and mental health always comes first above everything else. Your self respect and confidence is absolutely important! Take deep breathe and think of things that make you happy. You’ll be okay. I promise. ❤️🤗🫂 message me if you want a hug 🤗

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Mostly books and engaging in my hobbies…and the most important thing is to see the relationship youve been in with objective perspective, dont just notice on the good things…realize that everything was not as good as your mind tells you it was…and never ask yourself question like, “why did she do it” or " what gone wrong bcoz we were so perfect together"…you were not perfect together that is y you guys broke up in the first place

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