Sharing Our Innermost Thoughts

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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @prem01

Prem @prem01

Life is like travelling in a train. You board at some station, when there are others already on the train. We go through a beautiful journey called ‘life’. We end this journey ‘life’, when our destination comes, when our time comes. We have fellow passengers as well travelling with us, who will get down at their destined station, maybe before us, maybe after us. The driver of this train is someone unknown, who we cannot see, just feel the driving, known by the name ‘God’. There are people travelling in another train as well, who we don’t know, but they are also bound to get down at some station. We sometimes need to wait for others to pass, sometimes others wait for us to come. Sometimes we experience fast - moving happiness, sometimes slow-moving hardships. There’s nothing called as success and failure. Just a beautiful journey, bound to end one day, leaving behind the talks we do as mark of our existence. We are replaced by new passengers enter train who then experience journey of life💗😌

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