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3am ThoughtsThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts

Zealous @aidinghearts

Life is full of wrong people
leading us to few right people.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts
6 replies

bla bla @blabla2

I wonder why the right ones taking so long

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts

Zealous @aidinghearts

Because right ones are your kind of diamonds, buried deep in your kind of coal mines.

bla bla @blabla2

That’s really sweet…appreciate it…however don’t you feel it gets exhausting having to navigate between who’s right…who’s wrong…I guess you reach a point where you’re like that’s it just can’t anymore

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aidinghearts

Zealous @aidinghearts

No one is totally wrong or right, normally we settle down who is right in many sense if not all. Yes it’s very exhausting, especially when we forget to understand that we too are not right in many sense and so, we must make things right whatever we got in our hands.


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