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life for me is crazy. its like a rollercoaster, so many ups and so many downs, twists and turns. i wish humans were made without emotion and without side effects to everything. why do people hurt people so much, and we both are human. My brother picks on me all the time for like the same sex, hes so homophobic he rubs it in my face like everyday, my mom is too but she kinda sorta gotten use to it. it makes me sad because hes just always picking on me about it. why did i have to sttart liking girls ? or is it just a faze im going through ? idk i guess i just need someone to tell me its okay , and its not over and keep going , and dont end it , and keep your head up , i dont wanna grow up thinking it isnt okay to be yourself.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ansarmd
Profile picture for Now&Me member @daisyblah
Profile picture for Now&Me member @notmee
11 replies

I feel you girl 🥺 even I’m a guy who likes to dress up as a girl and I can’t be myself because of my family and society 🥺 more power to you ❤️


thanks, but just be you, no matter what people say, i bet you are gorgeous. forget what people think, lets just be us.


I just can’t because of the situation I’m in 🥲 i just hope you get to be though ❤️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @notmee

TheGreatUnknown... @notmee

well whatever it is it’ll get better, and everyone will love you for you. & thankss 💕…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @ansarmd

Mohamed ansar @ansarmd

Be yourself don’t lose hope


💛💛this made me better, knowing im not the obly one out there going through this. i support any and everybody going through this and if you ever need someone to talk to im here.

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Profile picture for Now&Me member @ansarmd

Mohamed ansar @ansarmd

Yes be yourself live your life what you like

Profile picture for Now&Me member @notmee

TheGreatUnknown... @notmee

thank you so much, god bless youu 💛

Profile picture for Now&Me member @daisyblah

It is okay to be yourself. It is okay to like whoever you want . I can understand what you are going through because even though my family don’t know about me being gay whenever they say something homophobic it makes me feel all the things you said. Just hold onto hope. Whenever you want to tall I’ll be here


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