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One Sided LoveThought

Profile picture for Now&Me member @aurorafelbridge

Aurora @aurorafelbridge

Letters to nowhere …

I let it vanished. I wasted it. We are no longer in touch. I am ill… Just like you once, yet you don’t write to me…just like when my granny died, nor on my birthday… Never. You forgot, you turned your back on me. As I am . Out of jealousy, sadness? For revenge?I am the one who hold the sack or how we use to say… I’ll drink its “juice” anyway… I keep thinking about you… I don’t suppress this in myself, I just let it out in a different way. It’s worth it, isn’t it?! I wish we had never met. I would certainly have gotten there some other way. Is that worth it? Will this be the question of my life?! I had enough of you and more abut my sillyness.


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