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3am ThoughtsThought


Let’s start a random discussion.
Do you guys think God exists? And if they do then do they affect our life in any way or just watch us leading our life?

6 replies

Nope, just some imaginary being I’m afraid 🤷‍♀️


I do believe something or someone exists. Like a power, i don’t know who it is, and i don’t really care about the customs it traditions associated with religions but I do believe that there is someone out there who is more powerful than us.


Yup I agree, there is someone who made us , but do this powerful being affect our life or just is a silent watcher?


Well i personally haven’t had any miraculous experiences as such, but I’ve heard many people’s stories, so ig it depends on the person, and what their perceptions are. I would love to think that God intervenes when things get really bad though.

Leyah Byrd @leyahb

Honestly idk if I believe in any specific God but I definitely believe there is a higher power out there .


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