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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Let me tell u a story
There are three people A,B,C
B = boy ,A,C = girls
A and B are in love from 4 years ,but they don’t meet often.They both are in love .But one day Boy felt in love with girl C and B and C will talks daily .B will says to girl C that u r my soulmate. Girl C knows about Girl A but A don’t know about Girl C . Now girl C is thinking that she has to move on because A and B are in love .she can’t handle the pain while B talks with A .
So she decided that to move on ??
She want to continue or she want to move on
Which will be better for her?

4 replies

Aakanksha @sadsoul0happyfa...


Tbh, I have been in this situation. Dont get me wring, but you’ll home wrecker. That girl A, will go through the darkest and loneliest time of her life. This is coming out of experience. Either ask that boy to have guts and go to A tell whatever happen with a clear answer with whom he wants to be. Saying you are my soulmate, is cheating. You can’t justify. You were part of it. No if’s no but’s.
I know I am being a bitch in this response. As i have said, I have been in this situation, i know how bad and hard it is.

Take care and clear up your mind.
All the best.


C asked that boy
That he wants A or C
He choses A .
And c asked then what about me and the boy didn’t reply.

Aakanksha @sadsoul0happyfa...


That boy is just making you confuse. You have a legit que and he has to answer that.
Plus, A should also know this.
And girl, move on!


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