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I don’t understand myself
I have very high expectations of everything when other people disappoint me i kept it all to myself.after getting in relationships my bf would try everything to make me happy but having high expectations I would disappoint him with my expression and my reply .He used to love me and show lots of effort in our relationship.I used to fight in small things.I would always ask to breakup with him but he would do everything to protect our relationship.He had anger issue and i also had anger issues not severe.then whenever i used to get angry to him and hurt him saying bad things he started biting me but would apologize.And I wanted to breakup with him even more.I wasn’t really love with him at that time ,I used to judge him based on looks.Sometimes h used to look good and sometimes not.He even blackmailed
me to protect our relationship.Then after some time I made him to promise not to be violent with me and I won’t fight eveyday.Then my love for him started growing.But i had lots of mood swings, fight in small things.He gots lots of busy in work.Then we had long distance relationship.He never cheated on me and I never cheated on him.We both had trust for each other.But we had fight for small things started by me because I wanted him to give me more time,i wanted his attention,love,care.And he has stopped giving efforts in our relationship.He would block me whenever I tried to fight and and have a conversation with him.In the past he used to beg me me to reunite but nowadays it’s me .We breakup like about 100th of time .We both know we are not good for each other but I can’t let go of him.We recently had our breakup yesterday but I can’t let go of him

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888
Profile picture for Now&Me member @v12
Profile picture for Now&Me member @spideynicks
8 replies

Saurabh Kumar @aesthete131...

Let’s have a conversation about it and let’s see if we can understand a bit more and help you clear things out in your head

Profile picture for Now&Me member @pranav888

Pranav @pranav888

You guys need to be really clear on what you guys demand from each other! Do’s & Don’t’s! Once there is clarity relationship will move in a better direction!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @v12

imbecile @v12

Try to see your bond-connection from other perspective. Don’t hesitate to compare your chemistry with other couples, you guys might find new point of view to resolve problems.
As you said 100th breakup, that could be your way to stick around, like waves comes in ocean!


Do you think we can workout till end if we didn’t stop making efforts due to our past mistakes (beating,blackmailing,hurting each other)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @v12

imbecile @v12

I don’t know! Nobody can predict the future accurately, & without efforts things go nowhere. Have a decent conversation with him, meet him at some new place where you guys never been. Say everything you have to say, listen to him as well. Reconsider every aspects that creat chaos between you two. Don’t try to end things with him, look for available solutions, & stick together. Wish you get new start.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @spideynicks

bin 147 @spideynicks

Hey 👋


This sound really toxic. Specialy blackmail 🤕😟…
If you both don’t put a lot of effort and change in behaviour I don’t think your relationship will end good. My honest opinion.


Hey, How are you doing now? and How is life in large?


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