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Lately I’ve been feeling vey low due to my laziness towards studying. Before, i used to study a lot lot better than how i study now, basically i dont study at all now. I dont know how iam going to get back to studying like before and get good grades like before. my parents have soo many hopes regarding my future and even i dream about my future but i never get that motivation to go take a book and start studying. Can anyone just help me feel motivated or give some tips to make me study

2 replies

Listen to me bro. I know it may seem difficult at first, but just know, that what you are doing at this very moment will affect your future. Which means that you are going to have to start studying like you did before and start getting motivated. By that, I mean think of the good stuff in life, and how everyone else is doubting you that you can’t do something but the truth is that you CAN. You can do this. I believe in you.


You use to be sooo good… right.
So you are still that good, its just at tyms we need rest. High n low keep the d balance. So now ur low/rest tym is over… get up buddy🙌. Just start with small steps , n within no tym u gonna give your best


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