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Anon. @alee97

Lately I have no energy for anything. Ive gotten to the point where nothing appetices me even though I LOVED EATING! I feel like Im falling into some sort of state of depression and I really dont know why. I have everything I want. My bf is everything Ive always asked for my job is not great but it maintains me economically well. I finally am happy cause I have my mom around but Idk what it is that makes me feel empty. I also have friends the thing is I have never actually felt a part of SOMETHING dont know how to explain it.

3 replies

You need purpose I guess, something which is bigger than you. It’s similar to what they show in pop culture, where one has everything and yet not content and feel something missing. That something is a search for that something itself. It’s destination and the journey.
Here’s what I would do if I eno up in your situation : try to do something I’ve wanted to try . And keep doing it. If I feel same I will switch to something else. But I won’t stop looking for that something.


Completed agree with you…you need to find something to work upon, something that you have interest in, something that challenges you.
The thing is you are not satisfied with your life and there is something that you desire but you are not aware of the path( if aware, you have restrictions) on how to reach it and this is creating a void in your life.

Anon. @alee97

Makes much sence. Thank You.


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