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Profile picture for Now&Me member @rahimbaig28

Rahim baig @rahimbaig28

Lately i have been getting cheated no matter what i do, i bought a project who took money provided shit, i lend money to friend he stopped talking to me just because i asked my money back

Like whats wrong with the people why someone cheat when they know they cant do the thing they are promising

Thinking about all this in this lonely state were i cannot even go for a walk is frustrating and depressing so much

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rahimbaig28
2 replies

Hey! I’m sorry that you’ve to go through this. It’s difficult when people we trust turn up with betrayal. It’s unfair. People really need to learn that even slightest things could hurt someone and put them in trouble, let alone issue like this where it’s really unfair to behave this way. I really hope that things fall in place real soon. Sending good vibes.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @rahimbaig28

Rahim baig @rahimbaig28



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