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Profile picture for Now&Me member @grace3011

Grace @grace3011

Lately I have been feeling like I have been too jealous and possessive in my relationship which I don’t want to happen but I just can’t help myself… Any advice?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @prapra
Profile picture for Now&Me member @wrongone
Profile picture for Now&Me member @_pooja_
7 replies

@Shavli @dm

Just control your emotions

Profile picture for Now&Me member @prapra

Prapra @prapra

Being too possessive may harm your partner
And also feel him or her toxic

So talk this to possessive thing to your partner
And figure out how you can make it good

Profile picture for Now&Me member @_pooja_

Pooja @_pooja_

Right 👍

Profile picture for Now&Me member @wrongone

WrongOne @wrongone

Think of the possible reasons why you feel that way, there will always be reasons


Just think about where your insecurity is coming from, maybe you do not trust your partner completely??? And scared that they might leave…try thinking logically if someone wants to leave no matter what you do or say they will leave, u cant stop them, but someone is willing to be your side no matter what, that means they value you and your relationship a lot, so just try trusting them and dont harbour unneccessary fears in your head, if something is bothering you, talk to them in a calm manner instead of distrusting or argueing and fighting with them, having an open conversation and always keeping the communication channel open and clear will solve most of the problems, once you start trusting them completely you wont feel insecure anymore…good luck


Give yourself some time bro

Unnikrishnan @unni12345

No control imosions


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