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Lately I don’t feel like I have been myself. I have a good job, good relationship but I still am unable to find happiness in my life. It feels like my unhappiness is going to cause my life to fall apart. Recently I have had negative thoughts about my relationship and wondering if I would be better off by myself for a while. I’m 27 and would love to start a family soon but I don’t think it’s a good idea to go into that chapter of my life until I can be happy with myself. I’ve isolated myself from friends and just not really sure what I should do at this point because I have felt this way for a while now.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivavolley99
3 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shivavolley99

shiva kumar @shivavolley99

You should really take a time to find yourself…and you should give you a you space…and do whatever you want to do …like any bucket list or something you always wanted to do … …go for it


That’s a good idea, I think I’ve been doing that without realizing it. Thank you!

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