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If you or somebody you know is currently struggling, please take deep breaths and reach out to somebody. Here are few resources that may help.

Last month, I, a 17 year old, got pregnant. Some friend of mine raped me. It sucks, this pregnancy thing, and I couldn’t even tell my parents what happened because they were too busy screaming at me!
I’ve texted my mom about it, but she hasn’t responded. She probably showed my dad and they barricaded me into my room or something else super awful. The weird thing is, I want to tell everyone about it, but mostly Drew, the boy who did it. We had become suspiciously close, but I was in no way ready for this.

Who else wants to bet my parents are adopting another kid so that they don’t have to live with my dissapointment?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199
10 replies

You MUST file an FIR and take strict action this bastard who did this to you.
A 17 year old doesn’t want to be a MOM when she herself hasn’t seen the world and how it actually works.

Your parents need to be your support system right now. Tell them that you need them, you need your mom to be around you in this phase. I hope you have decided as what would you like to do with the baby, take him/her in your arms and give him a place or an abortion.


Thank you. I will. I think I was too shocked to realize what he did was illegal. I’ve been doing some research on names, and I decided on Ellio for a boy and Abra for a girl. I dislike traditional names. Thank you for the help. 💕

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Great to hear the names you have decided. My God give you the strength to tackle everything and the baby would be blessed to be around you. :)

All the Best!


Thank you. I filed an FIR, and the cops are dealing with it. I think my mom stole my phone, because she found this website and read this post. She asked me why I told random people that she was a terrible person, and I was confused at first, but she explained that she somehow found this. We got to talking, and I learned that she is dissapointed I ever talked to Drew.
She was just so upset this was going to ruin my future. My dad, however, is incredibly mad at me. He wants me to abort. My mom supports whatever I do, but he is just SCREAMING at her right now. I’m listening to Hamilton (I want an educated fetus lol) so I don’t have to hear him, but it isn’t working very well.

Also, Drew texted me. I nearly choked when I saw it (I was eating). He texted, ‘Sorry.’ I want to hug him, but the chances of me leaving my house are pretty slim. Espescially when I’m doing online school. My parents just going to think I’m skipping or something else. It’s going to be forever until I leave the house, my dad will just think I’m going out to get raped again. Well, yeah, my bastard of a friend is so charming and now the father of my baby. What the hell, he doesn’t even know I’m pregnant. How do I tell him that?!

Sorry, this post was all over. I can’t believe what’s going on and I’m just trying to put everything into one post.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Well done! I am proud of you! You took a major step by filing a complaint and showing that you are not scared of anyone and you take stand for what’s right. :)
Glad to hear that your mom told how concerned she was and she wanted the best for you. Also, dads show love through anger. Right now don’t listen to him, he’ll understand once it gets little low and he will be as supportive as your mother.

The guy who raped you, you in no manner should go back with him even if its the father of your baby. Are you sure, was it mutual sex or its a rape (you should clearly know the meaning of this word)?
Everyone says sorry when they get into trouble and the basic word everyone likes to use. Don’t fall into that trap. If he really really is sorry he’ll do anything and everything to get back and be with the baby.


Thank you. I told him I didn’t want to have sex, to the point I was punching him. It was rape. I haven’t responded, and he keeps on texting. He’s tried to call at least a thousand times. Thanks again for the support!

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Then it’s definitely a rape because it didn’t have your consent.
Great. Let him be out of your life.

I hope you have your life planned as to what and how are you going to raise the baby considering you are a school going child.
Out of curiosity, are you an Indian since the names you decided upon aren’t Indian names? 🙈


I’m British. I have a little Indian blood, though! My paternal grandfather grew up there. He moved to England (where I live) when he was 34 with my dad and his little brother right after his wife died.
There’s a little information about me. 🤛🏼💩🤜🏼
🦵🏾 🦵🏾

Profile picture for Now&Me member @st1199

Simran @st1199

Oh great!
Thanks for sharing :)




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