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Secret Person @alex__

Karma is nothing
but…the inner feeling of what you have done wrong…will come back to you…

Which connects the last post that a man is the product of his thoughts, what he thinks he becomes…

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uglybeauty
Profile picture for Now&Me member @adithya3000
8 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @uglybeauty

Veeny Pawar @uglybeauty

I think u are confusing karma with self conscious ,
Karma is our action be it good or bad .

Self conscious is our feelings about that particular action .

Profile picture for Now&Me member @adithya3000

Adithya Rao @adithya3000


Profile picture for Now&Me member @uglybeauty

Veeny Pawar @uglybeauty

┬─┬ノ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°ノ)

Profile picture for Now&Me member @adithya3000

Adithya Rao @adithya3000

I didn’t understand that symbols but I think they are also wow

Profile picture for Now&Me member @uglybeauty

Veeny Pawar @uglybeauty

( ꈍᴗꈍ) very few people get them and I consider them a lil superior than others
But worry not I can teach these symbols to u

Profile picture for Now&Me member @adithya3000

Adithya Rao @adithya3000

Teach me… my ancient one

Someone @doesnot_matter

Actually a man is a product of his surroundings. His thoughts represents what he is.

Someone @doesnot_matter

okay, listen to me:
If only actions determine what a man is, then there should not exist adjectives like rude, sweet, humble etc. in our language which are assigned to someone mainly and oftenly on the basis of his way of thinking and speaking.
And if you are talking about choices, your surroundings is what influences and shapes your thinking and choices, for example one kid grows up in a rough neighbourhood and other in a rich neighbourhood will have completely different mindset and thinking and priorities. So a man is indeed product of his surroundings.
Give this argument a fair amount of thought before replying and i would appreciate an elaborate counter of the argument.😊


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