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MATTHIOLA @matthiolaincana

Just want to share.

I am currently in a 2 years relationship, and my partner is not clingy, which I understand. However, this past few months, I feel like, he don’t want to be near me, like everytime I hug him, he will remove my hand, I am always asking for him to hug me. Before, if I ask for something like " Baby, can I have some water please?" He will get it for me, but now, if I ask for it he will answer “why should it should be me? Why can’t you just get it?” And I was like, o okay.

We both have full time job, work at home, once I started my job, I can’t sleep anymore or do anything coz it’s customer interaction. However, I still do all the household chores, cooking, washing the dishes and making him coffee that’s my everyday routine. While he only eats, leave the plate on the table after he finished and go back to the room, he can sleep in his work. Like, in 9 hours logged in he will only sit down on hos laptop for work abot 3-4 hours? But still he complaint that he’s tired and whatever, and if I complain, he will get mad and will tell me that, ow your not a house wife material.

Sorry for the long post, I just want to let it go, I don’t know what to do, I want to leave him but I don’t know how. I have a lot of what if’s. Is anyone of you experienced the same thing? What did you do?

2 replies

Well have experience that if you don’t mind then wr can connect and discuss

Dalia @dalia

First - open and honest conversation about how he makes you feel.
Second - If he does not change anything you should leave him.
What’s the point being with someone who makes you sad and upset all the time?


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