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One Sided LoveThought


Just wanna share my one sided love story hahahahha, i think. Soo i first know him when we are in pair work for an organisation of an event, but we rarely talked as our jobscope didn’t really need us to discuss. I used to hate him because i thought he was an arrogant and unfriendly guy and he loved to work alone, so working in pairs with him sometimes gave me thought that he hated me, that is why he never really had any discussion with me. Then, suddenly we participated together in another organisation which again i need to work in pair with. However, this time we really need to discuss and sometimes even met a couple of times. I started to realised that he was not that bad, and our chat become more friendlier even it was all about work. And we even laughed together a few times, so i started to open my heart, he was not that bad, maybe he was just an introvert and minding his own business guy. I admitted that he indeed handsome even on the first time i know him, so i guess he has a lot of admirers, and i know thag i’m not his style. And now i kept telling and encouraging my self not to get high hopes and all these only for work. After this work done (which only few days left), you and him gonna be stranger again. The end. Please pray for my heart not be too hurt and smoothly and fast forgetting him.

6 replies

Ko0ei @ko0ei

Why don’t you try to keep in contact? If you care for him


Hurmm, i think we will just gonna have frindly greet everytime we meet, but for chat maybe no, no things to say, and we never even followed each other in social media.

Ko0ei @ko0ei

If you really care about him, don’t worry about this things - who cares about socials?!
Be brave and do the “first” move


What if he suddenly asks about your feelings or confess his feelings towards you then what would you do… Leave him???


I dont think he likes me in the first place hahahaha because we got site visit today. I will go, but when i asked him whether he would go or not, he said he is not sure. So like if he likes me, he would wanna go right? He never show that he wanted to stay longer when we have discussion. Btw, he got boss and chatismatic vibe, while me, I’m just innocent scared small girl. Hahahahaha i dont think he would like me. Butttt iffffff he suddenly confessed (which i think will not happen 😂), maybe i have to think, ask him give me time to think, probably i will accept.


Girl you still didn’t understood the boy tendency boys stay still and not get there feeling out till they get a proper chance may be he is busy today it don’t means ki he don’t likes you…


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