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Just so down lately… Not knowing what to do… I have been abused and told what not by my family… I feel like escaping from this place, from this life suddenly that no-one would ever be able to find me… Is it possible to go away from everything and everyone… Lately, I have been having these horrible dreams about some person named Neil, and tbh I haven’t even met him till now in my whole life and yet it feels like I am so attached to him like known him from eternity but never had any romantic feelings for him just some feeling like my bestest of friend or maybe a brother and surprisingly I have no one of such name… I am just feeling like stuck… I don’t where you are Neil, who you are but for sure you would have been so dear to me… Plzz help me out someone😢😢😭😭😭

Profile picture for Now&Me member @preet_chabra
11 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @preet_chabra

Preet Kaur @preet_chabra

Technically some dreams do make sense. Don’t think that your dream is absolutely absurd. But don’t spend too much energy and time on finding Neil as well. If there is actually someone just like how you’ve portrayed Neil, maybe that person will meet you in the near future. Maybe his name won’t be Neil but you’ll find the connection. Trust the timing honey! When the universe will want you to meet him, you’ll surely cross paths. Until then, focus on yourself and take care 🌺


That the point he comes every now and then in my dreams and talk to me like in my future self and tells me about my husband and my besties and everything… Although I am still not married nor dating… and suddenly I see him dying in an accident, this really horrifies me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @preet_chabra

Preet Kaur @preet_chabra

I’ve had some horrible dreams myself regarding people who I completely adore. If he’s appearing in your dreams so often, then it means he can be your guardian angel protecting you and showing his presence through dreams. Just think that you are protected from any negative energies and people and embrace the positivity. You’ve gone through a rough phase in your life maybe that’s why he’s appearing in your dreams to make you believe that you are not alone . You don’t need to be scared.


I just want what you said is true… But if he really is there, I want to meet him once, the brother I never had and want to hug him for being my solace even if just in my dreams but everytime I see him die in front of my eyes, I feel like I am dying, my hopes and faith, my soul dying… I just wish what you said is true

Profile picture for Now&Me member @preet_chabra

Preet Kaur @preet_chabra

Hey, hey! Nothing’s gonna go wrong. When we connect with someone in a spiritual level, we feel as if a part of us is torn apart, when they get harm. That person has appeared so many times in your dreams, that you find yourself attached to him. That’s the reason why you feel like crying. It’s completely natural, but take the positive side of the dream, you have gone through some bad phases in your life, yet you have kindness, love, care, compassion, empathy inside you. Even if you don’t know that person, you still feel sad about him meeting bad fate in your dreams. So no need to panic and stay strong and each time you meet him in your dreams, be happy and hope for the best.


I’ll do as you said… thank you so much for being there for me

Profile picture for Now&Me member @preet_chabra

Preet Kaur @preet_chabra

Anytime. If you ever need a person to talk, I’ll be glad to hear you out.

Lobo Toti @yolobolobhai

Seek help, professional help. If possible. Anyone in life you can trust?

Sia @sia001

Just my besties and no one… I have been betrayed at every point of my life since I was 12

Lobo Toti @yolobolobhai

Ok edgelord. Talk to your besties about it. And find good company. Companions matter in mental health. And learn to be aware of your energies.

Sia @sia001

I will… Thanks


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