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Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa

Just realized I’ve 50+pgs of pending assignment that needs to be submitted by tomorrow morning 🤌😭
Each page atleast has 3-4 sums 🗿

Profile picture for Now&Me member @landofblues
Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @landofblues

Land of Blues @landofblues

Oh no. Take it slow and fill as many pages as you can. They will check 50 × 3 =150 sums one by one?

I dont think so… do 15 pages. And then some more pages next morning. Try to fo as many you can…its hard…🤦‍♂️

Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa

yeah after 1am I’m just gonna skip sums…
btw I’ve my classes at 7 so there’s no chance of completing tom🙃

Folabi V3 @wanyama

My prayers worked.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @issa

Isha @issa

shant bethna!!


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