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3am ThoughtsThought


Just came across an interview clip of Deepika Padukon where she spoke about her mental health. It hit me hard bcz she says how she find it very confusing when someone asks her how she was doing. To understand whether it was a genuine question or people just ask it anyway bcz that’s how we are made to/used to start convos. Whether the person who ask this question really mean it and would spare the time to know about the situation. So we end up saying I’m fine even if we are not bcz we may think not to bother that person’s time and thinks like he just asked to out of manner. So i would like to say people if you don’t want to spend time with a person’s sorrow, don’t ask about it on the first place. Even i have done the same, like just asking people out of nowhere whether they are fine or not. I may not have mean it but asked it because that’s how we start a convo.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra
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Ya exactly

Profile picture for Now&Me member @anujvohra

anuj @anujvohra

Thats okay…everyone can ask the question as long as otar genuine…


How’s You ?.


I would like to say I’m fine but having a lil struggle now. But I hope i can overcome it soon.❤️


Listen, I am not good at comforting people but, maana kabhi-kabhi saare jahaan mein andhera hota hai; lekin raat ke baad hi toh savera hota hai. You’re strong. You’re so strong. Don’t loose hope. This will end, alright ? This will not last forever. Stop worrying yourself. That won’t help you. take care of yourself. This is not going to last forever. Take care. Just know , that me is praying that you heal and have a happy life.




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