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Profile picture for Now&Me member @niya_emotions

Caniya @niya_emotions

I’ve started to see why people take drugs .

Have you ever had that vapor rub you put under your nose when your sick? Once you put it under your nose that barrier that was blocking you to breath is finally gone. But don’t forget when you put it under your nose it’s a temporary feeling… It’s the same way with drugs. You take it and that barrier that’s blocking you is finally let down when you take that pill your happy and you don’t have to worry about reality . But then again it’s temporary. When that pill is done doing it’s job your back to reality , your back to that barrier that’s blocking you from escaping your thoughts, tragedies, and reality .

Vapor rub and drugs are both different but they both serve the same purpose which is to let down that barrier that’s interfering with your life at that moment and give you a moment of relief and peace.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @niya_emotions
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Profile picture for Now&Me member @niya_emotions

Caniya @niya_emotions

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