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Profile picture for Now&Me member @shithappens

June 12, 2020 (12:35am)
I’ve loved him more than I ever love myself. We’re close friends and still have communication. I haven’t told him yet how I feel but he already gave me hints that he doesn’t love me back romantically. We always talked and that made me emotionally attached to him more. We shared our deepest secret with each other and totally trust one another. And that makes me fall for him even deeper. It’s painful to love him, knowing he can’t love me back. I know I need to distance myself from him to heal and move on, but I have no courage to do just that. I’m not a masochist, in fact I hate myself for crying literally everyday. I did my best for him, but my efforts were all wasted. He just don’t love me. I know there’s no hope. I’m dumb for pretending I’m fine just to keep talking to him. It’s too painful already but I can’t bear losing him. I’m confused and filled with insecurities, for I am not enough and will never be enough for him.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garys25
Profile picture for Now&Me member @shithappens
13 replies

Hey dude ,
I can suggest you two things in which one you will literally feel like you can do it and another one will be a bit hard for you to do it
The first thing is a true love will always be accepted it maybe anyone either a boy or a girl any one always a true love will be accepted but in that the thing on which you need to concentrate on is the you communicate your feelings , they are different types of ways to express your feelings you know abt him very well his likes & his dislikes everything at the same time you shud also know how to communicate you feelings to him take a right time right moment communicate the way he likes it . ( for sure he will accept you) .

And the second one is we are in a world were we have a freedom to express our feelings to anyone you want at the same time they have a freedom to accept it or reject it , it’s their choice but what ever their answer maybe you need to respect it atleast for keeping that respect to their reply you need to move on ( you din’t got a chance to stay with them , then always remember that someone better is waiting for you )
Don’t be sad start accepting the things like they are …! 🙂🙂🙂

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shithappens

Thank you for your advice. It made me feel a little better. I’m already doing your first suggestion for years now. In fact, I’m always expressive when it comes to him. I’m always telling him I wanted him to be happy and I usually looked for opportunities to give him something he wanted just to make him happy. I witnessed him depressed over a girl and I did my best to comfort him. I made sure that he’ll know I love him, though not in words but by my actions toward him. I made sure to be available for him in his ups and downs, never leaving him alone. But recently, everytime I gave him hints that I love him, he gave me cold replys and it’s really painful. I’m just being honest with my feelings, giving my very best to love him unconditionally but seemed he hates it. So I guess, I would do your second suggestion. I may not have confess my feelings to him in words, at least I had through actions. It’s pointless to tell him how I really feel now and I literally pitied myself for loving him and realizing I’m not worthy to be loved. I should just accept the fact that he rejected me, and that there’s someone for me out there. But it’s still painful… If only I can literally forget our memories together, things could’ve been easier. But anyways, thank you so much and I appreciate that you made time just to give me this long and very helpful advice. God bless you.


your welcome
Words speak louder than actions.
Words are more powerful than actions
Words cannot only make us think, but they can change the way we actually live our lives. Words can allow someone to take over your mind completely, while actions can only force you to do something out of fear
i don’t think so he is understanding your actions in a proper way or not however u have decided move on before doing that just say him
say him that you like him .He might understand by your words maybe .
when you have an opportunity to speak about it do it . (it your wish now )
“SORRY” OR “I LOVE YOU” …(don’t waste your chance , utilize it when you have it )😊😊😊😊

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shithappens

You just made me cry. I already wasted that opportunity and that’s the greatest regret I have in my life.


It’s ok am so sorry for that i dint really mean to make some one cry 😢 am sorry …

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shithappens

Truth hurts so don’t apologize please. I’m thankful you gave me an advice. Atleast I felt someone out there still cares to give me words of wisdom. God bless you. By the way, I’m feeling a little bit fine now, your words helped me have some self reflection over these past few days.


Well I don’t know how much time u have spent in this relationship but I do have a suggestion for u… whatever u r doing is really great coz it’s for ur love and ur feelings

And let me tell u I have been through this situation where I was in love and he wasn’t, also he had many relationships before and we were friends with Benefits but connected emotionally with each other… I was with him in his every problem in every ups n downs and I did everything to get him.

Just like u r doing, there are many things that I can’t mention but yess I gave my everything, I even had other relationships which he didn’t knew about and I just use to make him jealous so that he may express his feelings for me…

Though I knew he will never be mine I was trying coz somewhere I heard that loving someone truly will definitely change the other person by feeling ur love he will fall for you, that’s how one day after 2.5 years he said that he wants to commit with me and today we r together it’s been 4 years and we truly love each other

You will also find ur love if u love him truly he will fall for u one day, give some time coz it’s hard to gain someone’s feelings and if it never happened then maybe he is not the right person who deserves ur love there will be someone who deserves that love…just keep faith in your love and listen to ur heart

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shithappens

Your words gave me hope that someday he’ll love me too… But it’s been 2 years already, I’m always with him but he just kept on falling in love with someone else though it always didn’t work out. Everytime I give him hints, he’ll turn cold. We’re friends for years and I could tell that he wanted me to move on and that he just wanted friendship from me. Have you heard about twin flames? I even considered him to be my twin flames because I’ve seen the signs. And it gave me hope. But it’s already too painful that I even considered killing myself once. Good thing I’m a Christian so I didn’t do it. So is it still worth it to pursue him or is it better to just give up and move on?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shithappens

By the way, I’m happy you’re finally together. All your sacrifices and hardships for loving him are all worth it in the end since he finally loves you too. I hope I’ll have happy ending someday too.


Dear if it’s too painful and u r depressed from 2 yrs then I would suggest you should find the right person for urself…who loves you, who treats you like his queen, eho gives you respect and Everything u deserve

Coz u definitely not deserve pain, I can really feel ur feeling of leaving that person and all ur hopes you had but if he told u that he doesn’t have anything other than friendship, so don’t sink in that boat just save urself

I hope you will find ur Mr right soon…all the best👍

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shithappens

Thank you. I’ll follow your advice. I’ll not think of “what ifs” and “maybes” coz those things gave me false hopes making me depress for damn 2 years. I gave everything to him and in return I felt pain, insecurity and self pity. I’ve been stupid and a martyr for years and I had enough. I’ll move on at all cost.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @garys25

i can understand what you are going through because all this happens to most of us at some point of our lives, but holding on to something which is not meant to be is not going to allow you to move on in life, which is the first and foremost thing we should always keep on doing. The place where you are struck right now i have been in that place and trust me it gives you nothing in return except darkness and sorrows. starting to let go is the most difficult thing, but once do that, you yourself are going to question why the hell i didn’t do it earlier. trust me its possible and everything gonna be alright.

Profile picture for Now&Me member @shithappens

I’ve been depress for 2 years and it came to the point I almost give my life up, but thankfully I’m a Christian so I didn’t. Yes you’re right. I have to move on. To forget all our memories, let go of hope that he’ll someday love me too, to accept that it’s really over. Thank you for your advice. I appreciate it.


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