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I’ve lost a friend of mine which wasn’t only a friend for me he was family/home/everything to me. I cried and cried so much since 2-3 months and now that i’ve no left with tears. I’m kindof happy but i really want that back. I don’t want to spend or explore I can’t replace him my heart knows no one can take his place. I want to be alone. Found myself 💌

Profile picture for Now&Me member @krunal_shah
5 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @krunal_shah

Krunal S. @krunal_shah

We can control ourself but can’t control the world especially human & their needs.

We need to move on and can give respect to loved one by doing their good things & follow it

Let’s connect if you want to be incredible.


Is he alive or?


Yes yes he is… he has changed alot since then


People change time changes them. You cannot hold anyone forever. You have to learn to let them go

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