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I’ve known this guy. he is my workmate, i have a crush on him. but we never talked before this. he just messaged me regarding work things. sometimes he just left me in seen. but I’ve caught him several times staring at me. now I’m confused, should i approach him or just ignore him bcs that’s normal for a guy to stare at a girl?

Profile picture for Now&Me member @yash777
4 replies
Profile picture for Now&Me member @yash777

yash khatri @yash777

Ask for coffee shop meeting or any public place meetung then talk to him casual if he gives you hint then he likes you but u also give him hints okay


Should approach him


Don’t approach him all of a sudden, he might panick and behave negatively than what he feels.
Try talking regularly for some time
Create a comfort zone among yourselves and then proceed further


The whole point is there where he left you on seen…queen you should not approach directly… you also just stare at him and give hints :)


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